Image astrometry parameters

RTS2 is able to support on-line astrometry, with corrections being fed back to the telescope as correction parameters, thus significantly improving the telescope pointing. Following is list of parameters which affect astrometry, and a guide how to set them up. These parameters are arguments to the rts2-camd-* device drivers and are best set in the file /etc/rts2/devices.

        // nasmith derotator
        if (opentplConn->haveModule ("DEROTATOR[3]"))
                createValue (derotatorOffset, "DER_OFF", "derotator offset", true, RTS2_DT_ROTANG, 0, true);
                createValue (derotatorCurrpos, "DER_CUR", "derotator current position", true, RTS2_DT_DEGREES);
                createValue (derotatorPower, "derotatorPower", "derotator power setting", false);