====== How to add a new target type ====== RTS2 targets used for scheduling are represented by subclass of Target class. If you would like to introduce a new target type, you must: - introduce its type identifier among types listed in //types// table. This table contains character identifiing type and short type description. - add its description to src/utils/rts2target.h file. Find defines starting with TYPE_, and add your own type, together with characted which represents it. This define is of course not required, but it is highly recommended. - create table which will hold target extended parameters. This table must include reference to tar_id from targets as primary key. - create its class as subclass of Target class in src/utils directory. You might choose to create a new file with this subclass, or add its definition to existing file. It is recommended to start a new file. You must add this file to src/utilsdb/Makefile.am - please look at this file for rts2targetgrb string to see where it must be added. - in subclass load method, you can add any additional select statements which will load from database additional fields. For an example, look to rts2targetgrb.ec for ::load method implementation. You can of course use any ECPG statements. Please consult ECPG documentation for details. - add this target type to //Target *createTarget (int _tar_id, struct ln_lnlat_posn *_obs)// in //src/utilsdb/target.ec//. There is an example. Lets suppose we would like to add target for observing earth low orbit satelites. This target will have seven extra parameters - six for description of the orbit, seventh for date of orbit update. We start with adding type to types table, using pgsql console: stars=# insert into types values ('b', 'Earth orbit satelites'); INSERT 0 1 stars=# Then add type define to //sr/utils/rts2target.h//: // master plan target #define TYPE_PLAN 'p' // target type for #define TYPE_ORBIT 'b' Now add table //orbits// for additional parameters: stars=# insert into types values ('b', 'Earth orbit satelites'); INSERT 0 1 stars=# Then add type define to //sr/utils/rts2target.h//: // master plan target #define TYPE_PLAN 'p' // target type for #define TYPE_ORBIT 'b' Now add table //orbits// for additional parameters: stars=# create table orbits (tar_id integer references targets (tar_id), p1 float8 not null, p2 float8 not null, p3 float8 not null, p4 float8 not null, p5 float8 not null, p6 float8 not null, p7 timestamp not null); Now we will create in //src/utilsdb// files rts2targetorbit.h and rts2targetorbit.cpp and add them to Makefile.am in this directory: inst_HEADERS = sqlerror.h rts2devicedb.h target.h rts2appdb.h rts2sqlcolumn.h rts2obs.h rts2obsset.h \ ..... rts2imgsetstat.h rts2targetell.h rts2user.h rts2userset.h account.h accountset.h rts2targetorbit.h EXTRA_DIST = sqlerror.ec rts2devicedb.ec target.ec sub_targets.ec rts2appdb.ec airmasscale.ec rts2sqlcolumn.ec rts2obs.ec \ ..... rts2user.ec rts2userset.ec account.ec accountset.ec rts2targetorbit.ec CLEANFILES = sqlerror.cpp rts2devicedb.cpp target.cpp sub_targets.cpp rts2appdb.cpp airmasscale.cpp rts2sqlcolumn.cpp rts2obs.cpp \ ..... rts2user.cpp rts2userset.cpp account.cpp accountset.cpp rts2targetorbit.cpp nodist_librts2blockdb_a_SOURCES = sqlerror.cpp rts2devicedb.cpp target.cpp sub_targets.cpp rts2appdb.cpp rts2sqlcolumn.cpp rts2obs.cpp \ ..... rts2imgsetstat.cpp rts2targetell.cpp rts2user.cpp rts2userset.cpp account.cpp accountset.cpp rts2targetorbit.cpp After you are done, you can fill rts2targetorbit.h and rts2targetorbit.cpp file.There is rts2targetorbit.h: #include "target.h" class Rts2TargetOrbit { private: double p1; double p2; double p3; double p4; double p5; double p6; time_t p7; public: Rts2TargetOrbit (int _tar_id, struct ln_lnlat_posn *_obs); Rts2TargetOrbit (); virtual int getRST (struct ln_rts_time *rst, double jd, double horizon); virtual int load (); }; and there is rts2targetorbit.cpp: #include "rts2targetorbit.h" Rts2TargetOrbit (int _tar_id, struct ln_lnlat_posn *_obs) :Target (_tar_id, _obs) { p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = p5 = p6 = nan ("f"); p7 = 0; } int Rts2TargetOrbit::getRST (struct ln_rts_time *rst, double jd, double horizon) { } int Rts2TargetOrbit::load () { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; double d_p1; double d_p2; double d_p3; double d_p4; double d_p5; double d_p6; int d_p7; int d_tar_id = getTargetID (); EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM p7) INTO :d_p1, :d_p2, :d_p3, :d_p4, :d_p5, :d_p6, :d_p7 FROM orbits WHERE tar_id = :d_tar_id; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { logMsgDb ("TargetOrbit::load", MESSAGE_ERROR); return -1; } p1 = d_p1; p2 = d_p2; p3 = d_p3; p4 = d_p4; p5 = d_p5; p6 = d_p6; p7 = d_p7; return Target::load (); } And finally add new target type to createTarget method: Target *createTarget (int _tar_id, struct ln_lnlat_posn *_obs) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int db_tar_id = _tar_id; char db_type_id; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; ..... case TYPE_PLANET: retTarget = new TargetPlanet (_tar_id, _obs); break; case TYPE_ORBIT: retTarget = new Rts2TargetOrbit (_tar_id, _obs); default: retTarget = new ConstTarget (_tar_id, _obs); break; ..... }