This tutorial describes how to add and execute observations of minor planet. You will need rts2-newtarget, rts2-target and rts2-mon programs.
Run rts2-newtarget. When it asks for Target name, enter MPC one line ephemeris. You can obtain this from MPCORB.DAT file, or from, choosing MPC 1-line format (on page bottom). For MP 8, Flora, 1-line MPC ephemeris looks like:
00008 6.49 0.28 K096I 188.38876 285.39971 110.95891 5.88907 0.1567421 0.30185425 2.2009213 0 MPO 25662 2438 102 1847-2009 0.54 M-v 38h Goffin 0000 (8) Flora 20090610
Then select s to save target, enter or leave empty target ID (if you leave it empty, system will assign you new one), and desired target name. The whole conversation is provided bellow. Hint: under Linux, mark text with mouse, holding left button. Then release it to console with rts2-newtarget with click on right mouse button.
<xterm2> host:> rts2-newtarget Default values are written at [].. Target name, RA&DEC or anything else []: 00008 6.49 0.28 K096I 188.38876 285.39971 110.95891 5.88907 0.1567421 0.30185425 2.2009213 0 MPO 25662 2438 102 1847-2000 0.54 M-v 38h Goffin 0000 (8) Flora 20001115 Target name, RA&DEC or anything else: 00008 6.49 0.28 K096I 188.38876 285.39971 110.95891 5.88907 0.1567421 0.30185425 2.2009213 0 MPO 25662 2438 102 1847-2000 0.54 M-v 38h Goffin 0000 (8) Flora 20001115
s .. Save q .. Quit o .. List observations around position t .. List targets around position
Your selection:s Target ID [ new id ]: 5000 Target ID: 5000 Target NAME [00008]: MP Flora Target NAME: MP Flora ID 5000 SEL_ID 5000 NAME MP Flora TYPE ORA 13:29:38.842 DEC -001 51 51.72
ALTITUDE +050 54 01.78 ZENITH DISTANCE +039 05 58.22 AZIMUTH +001 39 03.61 HOUR ANGLE 00:04:10.008 AIRMASS 1.288008
SET 2009-06-21T01:42:31.000 RISE 2009-06-21T13:48:14.000 TRANSIT 2009-06-21T19:35:51.000 MIN ALT -054 38 28.25 MAX ALT +050 54 44.80
MIN ALT +012 06 37.63 MAX ALT +050 54 44.80
MIN_OBS_ALT 0.000000
SET 2009-06-21T01:36:52.000 RISE 2009-06-21T13:48:17.000 TRANSIT 2009-06-21T19:35:51.000
HOUR, ALTITUDE, AZIMUTH, MOON DISTANCE, SUN POSITION table from 2009/06/20 00:00:00.000 UT
H -1 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 ALT 31 20 8 -4 -16 -27 -38 -47 -53 -54 -51 -43 -33 AZ 60 72 82 91 100 110 123 139 161 186 210 229 244 AIR 2.0 3.0 6.9 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan LD 150 149 149 148 148 147 147 146 146 145 144 144 143 SD 113 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 SAL -27 -29 -28 -24 -17 -9 1 12 23 35 47 59 69 SAZ 162 177 193 207 220 231 241 249 257 266 275 287 307
H 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
ALT -22 -10 2 14 25 36 44 50 51 47 40 30 19 AZ 255 265 274 283 294 306 323 343 7 29 47 61 72 AIR nan nan nan 4.1 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 2.0 3.1 LD 143 142 142 141 141 140 139 139 138 138 137 136 136 SD 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 SAL 76 73 63 51 40 28 16 5 -5 -14 -22 -27 -29 SAZ 349 41 67 81 91 100 108 116 125 135 148 162 177
GAL. LONGITUDE +323 06 32.54 GAL. LATITUDE +059 08 36.36 GAL. CENTER DIST. +065 46 57.51 SOLAR DIST. +111 46 32.01 SOLAR RA DIST. +112 58 56.03 LUNAR DIST. +138 20 17.86 LUNAR RA DIST. +143 57 45.45 LUNAR PHASE +151 40 57.09
24 HOURS OBS 0 7 DAYS OBS 0 BONUS NaN Target is above local horizon. EPOCH 2007-10-02T21:28:44.000 n 0.301854 a 2.200921 e 0.156742 Peri. 285.399710 Node 110.958910 Incl. 5.889070 EARTH DISTANCE 1.983780 SOLAR DISTANCE 2.542547 PARALLAX RA -000 00 00.06 PARALLAX DEC -000 00 02.78
Target is disabled
TARGET PRIORITY 0.000000 TARGET BONUS NaN TARGET BONUS TIME 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000 TARGET NEXT OBS. 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000
host:> </xterm2>
To show some advanced scripting features, suppose that you want to get window from CCD, begging at coordinates x=200 y=100, with width=500 and height=550 (e.g. bottom corner will be at position 700, 650). And you would like to get R band exposures, with R-band filter. You would like to get 20 120 seconds exposures. The script will then look:
filter=R WINDOW=(200,100,500,550) for 20 { E 120 }
Please note that spaces are important, and you need to leave spaces around curved brackets. You will use rts2-target for the task of setting script on target 5000 and camera C0, as described bellow:
<xterm2> host:> rts2-target -c C0 -s 'filter=R WINDOW=(200,100,500,550) for 20 { E 120 }' 5000 host:> </xterm2>
You can verify that script was successfully set with rts2-targetinfo. Example output is bellow:
<xterm2> ultra2:> rts2-targetinfo 5000 ID 5000 SEL_ID 5000 NAME 00008 TYPE E RA 13:29:39.446 DEC -001 52 06.65
ALTITUDE +046 42 00.00 ZENITH DISTANCE +043 18 00.29 AZIMUTH +030 01 09.87 HOUR ANGLE 01:20:18.636 AIRMASS 1.373246
SET 2009-06-21T01:42:31.000 RISE 2009-06-21T13:48:14.000 TRANSIT 2009-06-21T19:35:51.000 MIN ALT -054 38 43.18 MAX ALT +050 54 29.87
MIN ALT -002 56 33.66 MAX ALT +050 54 29.87
MIN_OBS_ALT 0.000000
RISE, SET AND TRANSIT ABOVE MIN_ALT SET 2009-06-21T01:36:52.000 RISE 2009-06-21T13:48:17.000 TRANSIT 2009-06-21T19:35:51.000
HOUR, ALTITUDE, AZIMUTH, MOON DISTANCE, SUN POSITION table from 2009/06/20 00:00:00.000 UT
H -1 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 ALT 31 20 8 -4 -16 -27 -38 -47 -53 -54 -51 -43 -33 AZ 60 72 82 91 100 110 123 139 161 186 210 229 244 AIR 2.0 3.0 6.9 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan LD 150 149 149 148 148 147 147 146 146 145 144 144 143 SD 113 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 SAL -27 -29 -28 -24 -17 -9 1 12 23 35 47 59 69 SAZ 162 177 193 207 220 231 241 249 257 266 275 287 307
H 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ALT -22 -10 2 14 25 36 44 50 51 47 40 30 19 AZ 255 265 274 283 294 306 323 343 7 29 47 61 72 AIR