You will need to obtain login and password before accessing links bellow.
if you do not have an account, ask Petr or Martin for one.
Use rts2-targetlist to list all available targets. You can use -N option to get raw print.
Use rts2-targetinfo -i to locate images of the target.
Data are in /images/<epoch>/archive and /images<epoch>/trash.
After you locate your images, use scp to download them.
user@host:$ ssh outside@boyden:$ ssh watcher1
Ask for passwords (+34 661 107 995, +420 737 500 268 if in hurry).
Then images are currently under /images/005/<target>/archive and trash - see above.
If you will need to copy them out:
user@watcher1:/images/005/...$ scp <filename> outside@boyden:/tmp
and then from your computer:
user@host:$ scp<filename> .
You can use * as wildcard in scp.