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Bootes 3 (New Zealand)


Provided by NZ (who?)

  • 3 rackable units (1 telescope + dome, 1 all sky, 1 spare)
     // I remember we were speaking about 
            - Telescope/camera/anything PC in the dome, none or only very limited archive. (Rackable)
            - AllSky camera PC in the dome, not specified whether the archive will be local or remote. (rackable)
            - An archive PC located away from the dome. With lots of HDDs in a nice RAID. (no rackable?)
            my idea of the archive workplace would be rather like an ordinary PC table with an ordinary monitor & keyboard etc. More like a primary RTS2 console for the whole system. //
     // Replacement of a failed PC can hardly be done by a simple box change. Therefore a complete backup PC is a wonderful diplay of a waste. If anything fails, a local hardware store will fix it. It's our responsability to have backups good enough to be able to replace the SYSTEM fast and easily. Buying a spare HW - motherboards/CPUs/RAMs is a waste of money. //
  • quad CPU
  • 2 deep (80cm) rack 12-16 U height
     //mates: Two racks mean two times the problems, two times the cabling, two times everything. I do not agree unless it is clear that it cannot be done in a single rack.//
  • as big HDD as you can buy (1TB for each?) in units (=RAID) and in box, so we will be able to quickly replace failed hardrives
     //I agree, in case of the archive PC. The PCs in the dome may, most likely, live with a single or a mirrored 200-500GB HDD for the system. Nothing extremely expensive. I would keep the hotswap option though. //
  • lot of SATA connectors, USB connectors
  • at least one serial connector (Davis Meteo station), so far I did not know about any other
  • 1Gb (the fastest you can get) network card
     // and an appropriate high-speed switch !! //
  • 1 UPS
     // might be two - for the dome and for the building, remember the two systems should be galvanically separated. //
  • Linux Debian-based distribution (preference will most probably shift towards Ubuntu) No purchase needed

Computer setup

NZ (who?), Petr

  • install Linux
  • install RTS2
  • test it


Provided by New Zealand (who?)

Router / switch, so we can connect all to Internet

Dome installation, weather station

Petr, Florentino

  • Davis weather sensor (windspeed, etc), know to work with RTS2 and
  • Zelio based roof control with direct rain detector connection
  • rain detector connected to Zelio

UPS provided by New Zealand? Must be able to support emergency roof closing (power failure). We have same good experiences from Watcher with MGE UPS Systems UPS ( I suggest to call them and ask for solution - 3 PC backup, preferably rack mounted, and let them see what they will suggests.

Astrometry, image processing

Antonio, Petr (Martin remotely)

  • First astrometry
  • Pointing model


Petr: 1st Feb → 2nd Feb on site 3rd Feb start working 28th leaving




howto/bootes/bootes_3.1228838900.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/12/09 00:00 (external edit)