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iraf_64 [2009/04/07 17:13] – description created pkubanek
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 +There is some guide for IRAF installation on 64bit platform - there:
 +Bellow are script which you should run under either root account or iraf account to get IRAF installed on 64bit Ubuntu. Most probably you will like to place them under /iraf directory and run them from there.
 +First, run following script under root:
 +<code bash>
 +apt-get install tcsh
 +dpkg -i --force-architecture ldso_1.9.11-15_i386.deb
 +dpkg -i --force-architecture libc5_5.4.46-15_i386.deb
 +dpkg -i --force-architecture termcap-compat_1.2.3_i386.deb
 +dpkg -i --force-architecture libncurses4_4.2-10_i386.deb
 +apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32
 +addgroup iraf
 +adduser --home /iraf/iraf/local --shell /bin/tcsh --ingroup iraf iraf
 +chown -R iraf:iraf /iraf
 +Then, su to iraf:
 +<code bash>
 +root@host:/iraf# su iraf
 +and run following as iraf user:
 +<code tcsh>
 +mkdir /iraf/iraf
 +mkdir /iraf/iraf/local
 +mkdir /iraf/irafbin
 +mkdir /iraf/irafbin/bin.linux
 +mkdir /iraf/irafbin/noao.bin.linux
 +mkdir /iraf/x11iraf
 +mkdir /iraf/extern
 +#download and extract the source
 +cd /iraf/iraf
 +tar -zxf as.pcix.gen.gz
 +rm as.pcix.gen.gz
 +#download and extract the redhat IRAF binaries
 +cd /iraf/irafbin/bin.linux
 +tar -zxpf ib.rhux.x86.gz
 +rm ib.rhux.x86.gz
 +#download and extract the redhat NOAO binaries
 +cd /iraf/irafbin/noao.bin.linux
 +tar -zxpf nb.rhux.x86.gz
 +rm nb.rhux.x86.gz
 +#move the redhat binaries to the linux directory
 +cd /iraf/iraf/unix/bin.redhat/
 +mv * ../bin.linux/
 +setenv iraf /iraf/iraf/
 +cd $iraf/unix/hlib
 +source irafuser.csh
 +./install -n
 +echo When ./install -n in the $iraf/unix/hlib runs well, you may
 +echo run ./install (without -n) as root to finish installation.
 +After this, exit su from iraf, and run iraf/unix/hlib/install:
 +<code bash>
 +root@host:/iraf# ./iraf/unix/hlib/install 
iraf_64.txt · Last modified: 2009/04/07 00:00 (external edit)