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start [2010/10/27 00:03] – set names for serial ports pkubanek
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 +====== RTS2 ======
 +RTS2 is an integrated open source package for remote observatory control under Linux. Its goal is to create a complete observatory control system, starting from weather sensing, through device control to observation execution and scheduling. The system is meant to provide you with an autonomous, independent observatory, protected from the elements. It provides the means to execute complex observational scenarios, to ensure the pointing and focus are good, and to handle TOO reaction, logging, data sending and to generally simplify the problem of getting your science.
 +===== Download =====
 +The latest release of RTS2, which will include scheduler and the new directory structure, dropped dark and flat frame support, and probably more can be SVN checked-out from [[]] or viewed via [[]]
 +===== Screencasts =====
 +Flash screencast showing how RTS2 system works on observatory:
 +And how to disable selector:
 +===== HOWTOs =====
 +  * [[faq|FAQ (Freqvently asked questions)]]
 +  * [[howto:Taking images]]
 +  * [[howto:Running observation manually]]
 +  * [[howto:Setup all-sky camera system]]
 +  * [[howto:focus|set up an automatic focusing]]
 +  * [[howto:astrometry|setting up image parameters]]
 +  * [[howto:mpec|preparing and executing minor planet observations]]
 +  * Retrieve images
 +  * [[howto:Preview FITS images with rts2-xmlrpcd]]
 +  * [[howto:Intergation of a Davis meteo station|Integraton of a Davis meteo station]]
 +  * [[howto:Setting up a PostgreSQL database for RTS2]]
 +  * [[howto:Set symlinks for USB serial ports]]
 +===== Device support =====
 +  * [[hw:start|List of supported devices]]
 +===== Observatories running RTS2 =====
 +  * [[obs:start|Overview]]
 +  * [[obs:byo|Build Your Own]]
 +  * [[howto:bootes:Bootes 1]]
 +  * [[howto:bootes:Bootes 2]]
 +  * [[howto:bootes:Bootes 3]]
 +  * [[howto:bootes:Bootes IR]]
 +  * [[howto:FRAM]]
 +  * [[operational:Web cams]]
 +  * [[operational:Remote access]]
 +===== Observations =====
 +  * [[obs:SGR 0501+4516]]
 +===== Documentation =====
 +  * [[doc:start|Documentation start page]]
 +  * [[code:start|Code description, development documentation]]
 +===== Expected code changes =====
 +  * [[code:New directory structure]]
 +===== Performed code changes =====
 +  * [[code:Observatory weather blocking]]
 +  * [[code:Trigger scripts]]
 +===== Technology =====
 +  * [[tech:Cloud sensor]]
 +  * [[tech:Embedded PCs]]
 +  * [[tech:PLCs]]
 +===== Links =====
 +  * [[Grant proposal]]
 +  * [[|RTS-2]]
 +  * [[|Workshop on image processing]]
 +  * [[|Workshop on robotic telescopes 2009]]
 +===== News =====
 +2.ii.2oo9 I, mates, reorganized this title page into a little more compact format. I hope you will like it.
 +User management was enabled, so please create your account and then continue editing pages. You can create account by clicking to Login button at the lower right part of the page, and then choosing register link. Having accounts is only way how to keep track of who did what (and when). Currently only logged-in users can edit pages.
 +Rewrites were enabled, so link to [[]] (and similar others) now work.
 +Various pages were added in documentation section, grant proposal was expanded with list of interested persons.
 +RTS2 web was moved to [[]]. I will migrate this wiki there as well. For this, I make this proposal of [[namespaces]] (names before : ). Please feel free to edit it.
start.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/26 00:00 (external edit)